Physical Specification Monitor: 15.6'' widescreen and high-resolution color LCD monitor, LED backlight, anti-flickering and vertically and horizontally rotatable standard configuration E2V Main Unit Two Transducer Ports USB 2.0 / Hard Disk 500 G Power Adaptor Standard Battery
Standard Configurations Preset for Pet Preset for Horse Race Preset for Animal Husbandry Preset for Lab B ( 2B & 4B ) Mode M Mode Color Doppler Flow Imaging Power Doppler Imaging / Directional Power Doppler Imaging Pulse Wave Doppler Imaging μ-Scan ( 2D Speckle Reduction Technology ) Tissue Harmonic Imaging Pure Inversion Harmonic Imaging Spatial Compound Imaging Simultaneous Mode ( Duplex ) Simultaneous Mode ( Triplex ) B / C Dual Live Widescan: Linear Extended Widescan: Convex Extended TEI Index Auto Trace Auto IMT Biopsy Guide Zoom One-Key Optimization ( Auto Optimization for 2D / Color / M / PW ) 2D Steer Show Gallery TGC ( Time Gain Compensation ) Dynamic Multi-beam Technology Tissue Specific Imaging DICOM 3.0: Store / C-Store / Worklist / MPPS / Print / SR / Q&R